The cabbage is a filled source of potassium. It can also help to reduce the systolic blood pressure and the cholesterol, it can stimulate the liver detox and also support the heart health.
This vegetable helps balance the levels of blood sugar, reduce inflammation, kill cancer cells, reduce tumor size and boost the immune system. It is explained by the researchers that it benefits come from the potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It was shown in a study that cabbage can improve the patient’s condition of duodenal and gastric ulcer.
Nutrition facts:
-Because of its high fiber levels, it is the best food for the stomach and it treats stomach ulcers.
-It is rich in antioxidants that boost the brain function, protect against cancer and reduce the inflammation.
-The sulfur-based compounds called glucosinolates provide anti-cancer properties. When they income the body, they become compounds that stop the cancer cell’s growth and they are called isothiocyanates.
-It is rich in antioxidants that boost the brain function, protect against cancer and reduce the inflammation.
-The sulfur-based compounds called glucosinolates provide anti-cancer properties. When they income the body, they become compounds that stop the cancer cell’s growth and they are called isothiocyanates.
It is low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that keep you full longer. With cabbage broth you will lose weight and receive many health benefits. It also boosts the health. This is how you can make a cabbage broth that will boost the health and help you lose some weight.
You will need:
-Other veggies if you want;
-Other veggies if you want;
Preparation and use:
Shred the cabbage, chop the onion and carrots and cut into florets the broccoli. Boil the water and then, add the ingredients. The amount of the ingredients is up to you but make sure to use at least ½ of cabbage head. Simmer the broth and add some salt to taste.
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