7 Foods You Must Avoid Eating Before You Sleep If You Want To Sleep Deeply

Many would be surprised if they do not sleep deeply to know that insomnia is something we are willing to suffer as the years go by. So you should avoid consuming alcohol and sleeping foods that contain high levels of glucose or MSG, as they are stimulants for the brain.
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If you suddenly find yourself staring at the ceiling and are unable to get a good eye, your doctor will probably tell you about stress. However, diet is a factor that should be taken into account when insomnia is treated.
There are certain foods that, especially when eaten just before bedtime, can be very disturbing to sleep.

These are the 7 foods you should not eat before bed


It makes sense to think that a couple of drinks is the natural solution to relax and get some extra sleep. However, there is a catch.
Alcohol has a two-part effect on the body:
At first, it relaxes you and can help you feel that you are ready to go to bed. But in reality, as alcohol is digested, it becomes very stimulating for the brain and causes you to have less rest than you imagined.


This includes tomato sauce or tomato-based soups.
Certain tomatoes usually fall heavy on the digestive system, so they can be very problematic when consumed within a few hours of rest.
Tomatoes are known to cause acid reflux. This happens when stomach acid goes in the wrong direction; That is, back to the esophagus, creating a burning sensation.
So eating tomatoes near bedtime can create insomnia and induce discomfort.


Monosodium glutamate is known to be a common additive found in Chinese food restaurants. Although it is also possible to find it in the processed foods that are obtained in the shelves of the stores.
The problem of consuming it before going to sleep is that it can be very stimulating for your brain. And as we progress in age, the blood-brain barrier becomes more porous and allows a greater response to insomnia.


Sweet matter contributes to insomnia because it causes the brain to be more active than normal.

Spicy food

Eating hot things before bed can be very disturbing to sleep, since spicy foods, like tomatoes, can exacerbate the symptoms of acid reflux at bedtime.
The spicy foods are very hot for the body, so that the internal heat created, can be stimulating to the brain and counterproductive bedtime.


Drinking coffee is an obvious contributor to insomnia. But you probably do not think the same about chocolate.
Although chocolate does not contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, it remains one of the largest sources of caffeine in the diet, not to mention that it contains an additional stimulator, sugar. So eating it too late can lead to a restless sleep at night.

High glycemic carbohydrates

This group of carbohydrates includes starchy vegetables such as potatoes and squash; As well as bread, noodles, pizza crust, among others. These foods become very fast in sugar, which means that even if you fall asleep right away, your quality of sleep will not necessarily be pleasurable.

So what should you eat before bed?

The best recipe to eat before bed is a plate full of vegetables, a good source of protein, some healthy fats and an optional small portion of whole grains.
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