Probably many of you have heard of a blood group diet. This diet is very popular lately, although there are no significant studies confirming the effects of it.Zero blood group
This is the oldest blood type, so people who belong to this blood group respond best to products of animal origin. These people should avoid carbohydrates because they are harder to digest. So, all kinds of meat and fish, vegetables, and fruits are allowed but cereals and beans are disallowed. If you belong to this group and want to sneeze a few pounds, you need to include seafood, red meat and green vegetables like bliss, spinach, and broccoli in your diet. You should avoid beans, mustard, mushrooms, bread, and pasta.
Blood group A
People with this blood type should avoid products from animal origin because usually, they have very sensitive digestive organs. Foods rich in cereals, fruits, and vegetables are the most suitable for this blood type. It is permitted to consume soy-based products, seafood, beans, cereals, and fruits. The food that helps in the process of weakening is in principle any fruit and vegetables, especially pineapple and green vegetables.
Blood group B
People with this group are very happy because they have very adaptable digestion system, so these people can eat various types of food, with the exception of wheat, lentils, and peanuts. Among the permitted products are meat (but not chicken), dairy products, cereals, beans, mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits. If you belong to this group and want to lose some kilograms, eat eggs, lettuce and drink plenty of tea.
Blood group AB
This blood type responds well to meat products, and among the permitted groceries, there are seafood, dairy products, tofu, beans, mushrooms, cereals, vegetables, and fruits. If you want to lose weight, you should eat dairy products and sea products, lettuce and pineapple, and you should avoid red meat and wheat.
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