This Vegetable Will Fix Everything That Goes Wrong In Your Body

There are a lot of fruits and vegetables all around us but one of the most picturesque and attractive that they exist is the vegetable called beet. It has an very dark purple color that is able to dye any preparation in which it is included.

A long time ago the consumption of the beets was not so common and only the leaves were being discarded the vegetable itself which is what we consume today. Over the years, the beet was appreciated for its natural sweetness and for adding a touch of particular flavor to the salads.
Beets are the most recommended vegetables for doctors if we think of incorporating nutrients and health benefits.
Although it is the vegetables that contain the most sugar, it can be consumed by almost everyone and it is recommended to add it to our diet at least 2 times a week.
But beetles not only have an attractive color or a particular flavor reserved, but at the same time they can use their healing properties and make great contributions to health, as well as act in disease prevention.
Below we will detail the benefits to your body of regular consumption of beets.

– Reduce blood pressure

Beet juice or bean as it is called in some countries, can help you reduce blood pressure in just a few hours. Some research suggests that a glass of beet juice can lower blood pressure by an average of 5 points.
This is possible thanks to the naturally occurring nitrates of the beet which in the body are converted to nitric oxide, the one in charge of relaxing and dilating the blood vessels, making the blood circulation more fluid in order to regulate the pressure.
Likewise, the high content of potassium present in beet and its low sodium content, reduces by more than 20% the chances of a stroke or heart disease.

Improve your physical stamina

If you are about to start a workout or play a sport, we recommend a glass of beet juice for a better performance. Also involved here is the transformation of nitrates into nitric oxide which reduce the cost of oxygen during physical activity and improves performance.

– Combat inflammation

Betaine is a substance found only in this bulb and that nourishes cells, proteins and enzymes protecting them from environmental stress. It can also fight inflammation, protect the organs of the body, reduce vascular risks and prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases.

– Combat cancer

The phytonutrients that provide the beet and that are the ones that give it that characteristic intense purple color are at the same time responsible for preventing the onset of cancer. Some scientists suggest that beet is able to reduce tumor formations in different organs of the body.

– Providing fiber and nutrients

Given the pace of life we ​​carry, strengthen the immune system to create a barrier against all the “attacks” that our body receives every day, is essential. Beets play a very important role in incorporating vitamins C, fiber and minerals such as potassium (a mineral that plays an important role in brain function) as well as manganese (essential for strengthening bones, protecting the liver, pancreas And kidneys). Folate of vitamin B reduces the risk of malformations in the fetus.

– Detoxify the body

When the body is invaded by an excess of toxins that can not be excreted naturally, the beet is able to give that impulse thanks to the pigments it contains to help remove impurities and clean the liver and blood.
Do not forget to add to your diet this vegetable full of nutrients that you can consume raw in juices, or cooked in salads and other preparations; As well as its leaves that also have important nutrients.
If you are going to consume it boiled do not remove your skin, although our main recommendation is that you steam them to conserve all its nutrients and its flavor intact.
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